I was Shopping for a Bigger Apartment

For over 20 years I have happily lived in a lovely little jewel box of an apartment, however, I never planned for it to serve as my home AND my office.  During the pandemic work-from-home, my small space felt crowded and messy, and I even made some furniture changes to try to adapt to the new use case. But, I was still uncomfortable, and longing for more space.  A friend had suggested that I reach out to Diane to help edit and organize my space, but I put it off.

An apartment in my building came on the market; I thought it was the solution to my problems since it had an extra room. As I was sitting in the apartment and imagining myself living there with more space, I realized that I would quickly fill up the additional room and have a larger mess. That was the spark I needed to call Diane and make an appointment to start working with her.

Diane has an incredible ability to learn how I wanted to use my space and my belongings. Over the course of several sessions, we worked together to edit and purge my unneeded stuff. She set up new systems for organization and storage - and they just work.  Four months later I can say that it has been effortless for me to maintain the organization in my home, and I feel happy again when I am there - both when I'm working and not working.

  • Claudia K., Upper East Side